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Thread: Poop stuck!

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    Poop stuck!

    Help! Maestro's got poop stuck 1/2 out his anus. What should I do? I tried to gently pull it out but he cried so I stopped. He was scooting about dragging his butt on the floor, I guess trying to get it out himself. Should I just let him be for a little while? He's confined to the bathroom right now! Please tell me this is not something serious. I'm trying not to panic!

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Tucson, AZ, USA
    Thanked 20 Times in 20 Posts

    So sorry - we had a similar problem . . .

    We had this happen to our MC several years ago, but we weren't home - we were at work (poo skidmarks everywhere). We rushed hiim to the vet and he was diagnosed with an impacted hairball (which can be dangerous). I'm not saying that Maestro has this, but if you are scared, he probably is too - take him to a vet if he appears to be in pain or is struggling (fyi - a hairy bum can also cause this problem).

    We now watch our MC closely (we know his bathroom habits quite well) and feed him pumpkin w/tuna juice as a treat to help control the hairballs (it works)! These guys are so hairy, and grooming is a major chore! Good luck with Maestro!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yep I allow mine cat grass as well although now daughters cat has moved out can leave mine down for them to graze as they wish hers would pig & then vomit it back,does he eat too many biscuits & then not drink enough,if the stool was that hard to remove it sounds as if he could be constipated,give him wet food only for a couple of days,milk can sometimes help too,not good for the gut bacteria but can be handy if you want to make them go easier,also as has been already suggested make sure there is no hair obstructing the passage way,I have never had to cut any fur away from that area on mine but do find it is better to keep the drawers well groomed down,if he goes off his food,starts vomiting or continues to have troubles down there get him to your vet ASAP......




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