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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Tucson, AZ, USA
    Thanked 20 Times in 20 Posts

    Mymains Stewart Gilligan (Stewie) in the Battle of his Life

    I just read that Stewie (Mymains Stewart Gilligan) is fighting the battle of his life. Don't know how I missed this, but during the holidays he got very sick. He's been undergoing chemo and radiation for a mass behind his eye and into his sinus (lymphosarcoma). Of course his medical bills have become quite large, but mom and dad are doing everything they can to save him. There has been a site set up to help pay his vet bills. Below is the link to his website, which also has fb, twitter and donation site links. Show Stewie some love.

    Hugs, kisses and big prayers for Stewie.

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