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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Sheffield, UK
    Thanked 207 Times in 195 Posts

    Preparation for first show

    I'd like to give showing at least one go with Monty. There's a GCCF show coming up on 4th December in Sheffield so I've got a bit of time to get ready. I am a bit nervous about it and really want it to go well!

    Firstly, the bath. I've had a couple of goes so far and it's not gone too badly. Monty seems prone to quite a greasy-looking coat, especially on his chest and belly. My breeder says she uses a product called 'Goop' on the greasy bits, then washes all over with fairy liquid. I know there are other products out there. Would a cat shampoo do the same job?

    Monty hates the sound of the water running and doesn't much like to feel it poured over him, and he hates being immersed in even an inch of water. So I hold him in the (dry) bath, whilst OH has prepared the soap dilution in the sink, and applies it generously with a flannel. Monty is OK with the wet flannel in dry bath. Then OH pours the clean water over to rinse, and he hates that but at least it's quick. Is this an OK procedure? We don't have a shower, but I think he'd hate that too.

    I can't blow him dry as he runs a mile from the hairdryer. So is it OK to let him dry naturally, after a good pat down with a towel? At what point should I then brush him - when he's thoroughly dry, or still a bit damp?

    Claw clipping: I will have to do this or we'll be turfed out of the show. That's OK but Monty loves to go outside and climb trees. Will he still be able to climb with clipped claws? Or will he tumble down in a confused heap? How long does it take for them to grow back? Will it be noticeable to the judge that Monty goes outside a lot (ie, wear on his paw pads), and would this count against him?

    So the other worry is the travelling (even though it's only a 20-minute drive), and being penned up all day around strangers. I've left his carrying box out with the door off so that he can play in it. In a couple of weeks I'll try him on a short car journey. But as for being penned all day, does anyone have any tips on how to familiarise him with this? Or will I just have to bite the bullet and hope he's OK on the day? How much leeway would a steward or a judge give to the behaviour of a first-time show cat?

    I would be really grateful for any tips you can pass on to me! (Jackie has already listened to my ramblings, so sorry for repeating!) Thanks everyone, Louisa




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