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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
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    Sneezing on and off for a couple of months

    Hello from Quigley's Mom

    My 6 year old male MC started sneezing 'fits' several months back. We were traveling in our motor home and were in Ohio at the time (we live in Florida). The sneezing would go away and then come back. During the travel, we also didn't consistently have access to his normal food (Wellness canned & dry), so we bought other foods also. He never ever goes outside except in a cage from the truck to the motor home.

    He stopped sneezing for awhile (couple of weeks) and then starts back up. There is mucus on the windows where he sits on the back of the couch. The other day, there was a slight amount of blood at the end of his nostril. He will sneeze sometimes for 10-15 seconds straight (which is a long time if you think about it!)

    One other clue is that I have scrambled eggs every single morning (no milk), and I have given him some. May have been coincidental but he sneezed pretty good during those two days. My husband suggested he may have a sensitivity to chicken as he not only ate the eggs, but his wellness canned is chicken also. Hubby just got back from the pet store and exchanged a case of wellness chicken for seafood.

    I searched the forum archives for sneezing and the only other post remotely similar to our situation was sneezing accompanied by fever, which he does not have. Also my Quigley is feeling normal otherwise! Always in your face, following us around, wanting to be the normal cuddle cat he is! He is such a good boy and I am determined to help him as quickly as I can... poor fella

    Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanked 675 Times in 648 Posts
    Although he seems fine in himself any type of sneezing that keeps occurring plus produce mucous of any kind really should be checked out,he could have become allergic to something or he could even have a FB up there,the slight amount of blood was most probaly due to the excessive sneezing & he burst a small blood vessel in his nose,so Quigleys mum I think a little trip to the vets might be the order of the day even if it is for peace of mind but hopefully they can come up with something to help stop his sneezing,I should think his poor sides hurt him,bless.Keep us updated & then a photo of him as well please...x




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