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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dublin, Ireland
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    Worried about my Coon

    Hi there everyone,
    Just worried about my coon Church. We only have him a little over a month now and he is 5 months old. Since I got him he has been kept on the same dry diet as he was on at is breeders house with a mixture of wet- jelly food twice a week. I had him at the vets because he has constant diarrhea, he is 100 per cent except it turns out he is deaf and I'm worried about his weight, he does feel a little skinny and weights in at 1.8kg - Is this a normal-ish weight for a coon? As a first time owner this has me on edge.
    He will be an indoor cat along with his brother bengal Whiskey (both are on the same food routines and whiskey is in flying form, gaining weight and normal poops)

    If anyone can help me with info it would be great as google searches aren't really helping!!

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Hi, there are lots of reasons why Church (great name!) could have diarrhea and I'm sure lots of others will jump on with their experiences. We've had problems on and off with one of our girls - and the best bit of advice we got from our vet was 'take away the dry food'. We do try to give her dry sometimes (as all 3 of ours like to crunch on dry and it's handy if we're out) but the minute the runs start we take it away and it solves the problem.

    Did the vet suggest why he may have it and if his weight was ok?

  3. #3
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    I agree wholly with JanieB re feeding,dry biscuits can be one of the biggest causes of diarrhoea in cats especially young ones,try more wet food with small ration of bikkie,they can actually cope without any & also sometimes the cheaper type wet food they can digest better than the rich more expensive stuff,try adding in some extra vitamin powder or paste to give him a bit of a boost,give him several small meals over the day rather than overload his tum in one go,is his worming right up to date? I would say he is very light for his age but constant diarrhoea dehydrates them too which wouldn't help but again will make up on that side with wet food too.
    If it continues ask if he can have a poo sample sent away to make sure he is worm free & at worse if no improvement your vet might decide a blood sample is the way to go but hopefully with a bit of diet tweeking & vits. Church will be fine.....
    Church get the servant to post some pics please....x

  4. #4
    Top Cat
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    When I got Neevie, my breeder told me to avoid all wet food with gravy at first because that's too rich for kittenz. So only jelly stuff. And also she was very VERY VERY partial to boiled chicken breast and that was DEFINITELY allowed.

  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dublin, Ireland
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    Hi everyone, thanks for getting back to me.
    Yes Church is free from parasites not only does he get Advocate, but Parazole wormer also. I have found in the past just using Advocate isn't sufficient (with puppies anyway!) At the moment he is on Josera food, I never heard of this until his breeder gave it to me and told me where to get it. She also mentioned about the gravy too to steer clear and only give him jelly!
    The vet is at a loss as overall the cat is fine, temp is normal, no parasites good diet etc. He is now on anti biotics and pro biotics just in case (He LOVES the probiotic that is mixed in with his water!)
    I will try changing him onto wet food maybe starting with boiled chicken and rice and moving on from there. And I WILL get pics up as soon as the other half fixes my PC!!




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