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Thread: Poorly Maine Coon

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
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    Poorly Maine Coon

    Hi All

    Just wanted to know if anyone has any idea what this could be? My 3 year old Maine Coon has been ill a few times over the past few months and today she is poorly again the last 2 times I took her to the vet and the following happened:

    1st visit - suggested that she had a funny reaction to new food (tuna&mussels) was given anti nausea and was fine the next morning

    2nd visit - 2 months on, admitted for IV treatment after being sick over 12hr period. Bloods came back fine, x-rays clear, scan clear, pancreatitis test showed abnormal but more in depth test was done which came back as normal. She was on IV with no improvement and not eating for 4 days, they fitted a feeding tube but she didn't improve. Suggested we take her home to see if she would eat, she eat fine the second she came back in the door and bounced back to normal 2 days later.

    A few days ago she threw up a massive hair ball, was lethargic all afternoon then by the next morning was fine again. Today she has been sick a few times this morning, won't eat, is hiding away but is using her litter tray fine.

    I'm really confused as to what is up , the only thing I can think is that she is having an allergic reaction to wet food? We have been trying to move her from dry to wet after out other MC died of CRF at age 4 a few weeks ago. Would a food allergy suddenly come on like this? She is also sneezing a lot but may be due to a new litter

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    Nov 2012
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    hi there -
    First I am so sorry about your other MC - and also I am sorry that your baby is poorly...
    what have they tested for?
    my previous cat had thyroid problems and it seems the symptoms are more or less the same, except for the sneezing. But 3 years old seems a bit young for that.
    do try switching back, first the food, to see if that does the trick, then if it doesn't try switching the litter.
    I have seen on this forum, some allergies to some toys - if you have toys with feathers, or catnip? could be?
    hang in there - let us know how it goes...
    donnad likes this.

  3. #3
    Top Cat
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    Feb 2013
    United States
    Thanked 21 Times in 20 Posts
    Hi Sorry to hear about your furry. This post prompted me to do some research on "hairballs" in cats. Gotta love Google! I would try and do some research on your own. Maybe the hairball is the key to this issue. I brush Ginger all the time and I feed her a high protein diet. I bet I could do more to prevent hairballs. Good luck and maybe Jackie has some good information on the subject, she is the best, most knowledgeable source on MCF.

    I found this site very informative

    When Hairballs Become Hazardous




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