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  1. #1

    Question MJ - not neutered because of problem teeth

    Yesterday, I took MJ to be neutered along with Frodo and Jack, he came back with his balls still attached, I asked them to check his teeth his gums where very red not like normal..

    They found one of his back teeth had impactedand he had too many teeth for his mouth! and this had caused the infection and the red gums... plus he had a temperature so he was not his usual happy self.

    They gave him a long lasting antibiotic, and a pain killing injection, and he came home he Today he is back to normal and eating loads..

    Has anyone else had a problem with too many teeth and they are stuck..?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails MJ - not neutered because of problem teeth-img_0094.jpg   MJ - not neutered because of problem teeth-img_0102.jpg  

  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Oct 2010
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    I've not had problems with cats teeth but my brother did have trouble with his yorkshire terrier puppy.
    She had extra baby teeth at the front and none of them would fall out and was stuck fast making the second teeth come through at a distorted angle. She eventually had to have several baby teeth removed to give her new teeth room to grow. Hope your boy gets over it without needing surgery he sounds like he is.

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    lol not personally but sounds like its dental care cat time. A few decent brushes should do the trick.

    I realise this post is pretty old so how is MJ?
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