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Thread: Raw Feeding Corner

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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    Well haven't I already covered this by allowing elismom to post her set of links to the cons involved in raw feeding?

    I will certainly consider this topic to be included in the set of articles I'm working on and although I generally promote the notion of raw foods, I will include whatever facts I find.

    In the meantime however I think the present posts to be found are already evident enough of the clear disputes

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  3. #12
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    Dave a direct question to you. I am in total agreement with not discussing raw vs for want of a better word "commercial" feed in same thread but. ..... if I wanted to put my feelings against something posted against raw feeding would I be right in assuming the correct protocol would be to reply along the lines of "I disagree with you on this point and have started a thread XYZ in the Raw Feeding area to explain why" and take it that the same would happen vice versa? I believe in healthy debates but certain threads including this one have gone too far with the same links repeatedly posted on several threads. On a more general reply to issues raised on this thread (and I make it very clear that I have no opinions about these members or their beliefs; I do not believe that there is a member on here who does not do everything that they can to ensure that their pets every need is met, cats like humans and every know and then have differing needs) personally I do not see the need for Sticky's giving health warnings etc, there has never been a call for these for tinned / commercially fed cats. I am more than happy to put together a post giving details of both pro and anti raw feeding for those with an interest to read - posting from Android is rather hard but I will hopefully be back on laptop tomorrow.You know the way this has gone really reminds me of when my daughter decided aged 9 that she was a vegetarian. .... my ex made loads of posts on a parents forum I moderate, I split threads etc and there were lots of arguements. End of the day my 9 year old was giving into peer pressure and succumbed to a bacon sarnie. .... now 18 I agree with her reasons for going vegan, and she accepts my reasons for eating meat, wearing leather etc.Back to cats. ........ Erm Dave maybe its about time this thread was deleted or locked xx

  4. #13
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    The point is that the OP simply wanted to start a thread on raw food without it turning upside down and inside out and having everybody at each others throats.
    It's very clear the issue of for and against wasn't the focus of the opening post but it unfortunately it went that way with people on both sides being offended as a result,so in THIS case, then irishkitty did the right thing locking this thread.. (it opened again with one of my replies, I will close it again)
    And one long time member looks to have left as a result.
    So in this instance I have to put my foot down and say enoughs enough, if you want to discuss X then do it in another thread. I'm not going to close threads and lock them down everytime a debate arises, course not but when the debate goes off-topic from the original posters intentions then we have to respect the intentions of the original poster.
    Hope that clears up any questions on my actions.

  5. #14
    Top Cat
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    I'm sorry but on this thread op was pro raw and no negative feedback from the pro raws only from those against. In my personal opinion some members went over board and my questions have been unanswered. I truely hope that ALL posts will be answerd but I truely belive that this can be discssed in a mature adult way. Again I ask for a members only debate area x


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