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Thread: Monty's Great Escape - Part 2!

  1. #1
    Über Cat
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    Monty's Great Escape - Part 2!

    Oh gawd - seems that a garden Alcatraz might be the order of the day!

    Following on from Monty's great adventure on the roof of the brick built shed the other day he'd been really good for ages (having been grounded for a while).

    Until early this evening that is. Playing in the garden for a good few hours, good as gold, turn my back and up up and away on the shed roof again. This time unfortunately, no amount of Whiskas Temptations or rattling of the laser pen key chain was going to get him down. He kept getting within a certain distance, then wobbling so going straight back up to the ridge line again.

    Then the bright spark decides the way to go is to jump off the roof, beyond an 8 foot fence into a garden that backs on to ours who keep chickens! Cue frantic panic in this house - we didn't even know how to find this house only that the garden backs on to ours.

    Off we go, armed with treats, his favourite toy and the cat carrier driving round trying to work out which house it was. Luckily we eventually found it and then had the shame of knocking on their door asking if we could have our kitten back. By all accounts he was having a whale of a time watching the chickens wandering loose in their garden and was most put out at having to come home and have a really good brush to get all the roof moss out of his fur.

    The heart rate has come down considerably now but they definitely won't be going out there again until I've blocked off some more of the garden - bloomin' cats - oh to have a common or garden moggie again who wanders and knows how to get out of scrapes - I swear Monty's so dumb he'd chase cars if he could!

  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Haha! Sounds like he has been having fun - playing with chickens is far better than a lazer pen and it is fresh treats. :P

    I'm glad he is back safe and well, and I hope he doesn't go into lock down for too long.
    Rachel-C likes this.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to QuinnHasTwoMummies For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (5th May 2011)

  4. #3
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    Oh Rach, what a mare, he knows how to give you a cardiac workout! My neighbour has an escapologist cat and when you live where we do, it's petrifying (we're just off an m25 junction so lorries frequently thunder past at 50mph). We have quite low fences round our gardens (about 5ft) and we're not allowed to increase their height without some sort of planning permission so the 'usual' methods to keep the cats in the garden aren't possible. She opted to cat-friendly her garden with chicken wire, so she's just put a lump up at the top of the fence that her kitty sneaked up and over; now he just sits on the grass, looking up at the chicken wire, with an expression on his face that says "what did you do THAT for?". It's kept him in tho!
    Rachel-C likes this.
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to FreyjaRoMaine For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (5th May 2011)

  6. #4
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    Sorry again but forgive me sitting here once more having a giggle at your expense...
    Expense in more ways than one because no doubt you will be like us & paying out more to turn your garden into Fort Knox,with our first cats we paid for the replacement fence between us & the neighbours,they were going to replace with a lower one because of the expense but as it suited us we offered,everything was fine until two babes arrived & we have kept on adding a bit more then one of them would work an escape route out so on went "another bit more"now an extra couple of hundred pounds lighter I think we have cracked it,why couldn't these two have been like the rest & just accepted that the original fence really was too high to climb.
    Not too good at all for the heart though is it,palpations like that make you feel sick...x

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (5th May 2011)

  8. #5
    Über Cat
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    LOL, thanks Candes. Well he's been grounded for the foreseeable future, at the very least until I can get some more mesh and netting against over his last escape route. Ironically, he'd been out there for ages completely well behaved - little b*gger!

    I've posted some pics of him taken earlier today just for you - not that I need much encouragement! xx

  9. #6
    Über Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Sorry again but forgive me sitting here once more having a giggle at your expense...
    LOL, yeah thanks for that!!! I felt such a fool having to knock on the door and ask for my kitten back - a bit like the next door neighbours kids asking for their ball back.

    I have to say though, the look on Monty's face was classic - it was like he'd fallen and found Utopia with all the free range chookies! Must have been similar to a drive through KFC for cats I guess
    Peter Galbavy likes this.




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