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Thread: Ripley and Kitten update

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Ripley and Kitten update

    Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to my previous thread about my worries of introducing a new kitten to my 18 month old big fluffy scardey cat, Ripley. Without your advice the little kitty would have surely gone back to the rescue centre as I felt I was keeping her for selfish reasons.

    Kitty was in the cage when first introduced them and this was it;

    Ripley Scared of Kitten - YouTube

    And she ran upstairs and stayed there for days, barely coming down to eat at times just sitting on the stairs, staring and running back up if anyone came near

    Ripley and Kitten update-dsc_0381.jpg

    After just under a week we began to see progress when Ripley ate for the first time next to Newt

    Ripley and Kitten update-dsc_0395.jpg

    and now almost 1 month on they are..well here are a couple of videos I took today which will show better than I can explain;

    Ripley Washing Newt 2 - YouTube

    Ripley washing Newt - YouTube

    And just so you get the picture of how big Ripley is/ small the thing is they are sitting in together, this is a photo of Ripley in it by her self

    Ripley and Kitten update-dsc_0454.jpg

    Thanks guys, we wouldn't have this kind of kitty love if it wasn't for your help


  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Cheshire, UK
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
    Resident cats really do surprise you sometimes when you foist a new kitten on them. My Burmese girl has always been a bit of a bully and played roughly/fought with two of my other cats, who lived in constant fear of the Grey Fighting Cat. So, when I got my MC boy last week, I was certain that there would be problems for the little guy and he would get injured by Abby. First she was scared of him, then she was wary of him, one week later they are tear-arsing around, chasing each other and having a whale of a time playing.

    I guess you never can tell how things are going to turn out, but they usually find a level of co-habitation that suits both.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanked 675 Times in 648 Posts
    Just so so pleased for you & Ripley to think you could have missed out on the fun & Ripley the companionship....just luv the videos.....xxxx




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