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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    Stress Management beyond pheromones (Feliway, etc)

    In a previous post I discussed the work we've been having done on our house. That work started late last week and is ongoing today, they should be done by Monday.
    We did not have to relocate, thankfully, but I had to keep the cats upstairs and out of the way of the workers. I kept a box and food and water in the room, only came home to a small puddle of cat barf yesterday- but it's clear that this is very stressful for all of them. Merlin is feeling much better and has been back to his pirate self, and this pirate is not pleased with the ongoing intrusion on his turf. He sprayed the wall in the basement family room right in front of myself and DH, in the same place where he has sometimes pooped. Mandy shows her unease in more subtle ways, but last night she silently jumped on the bed (she usually gives a "greeting chirp") and proceeded to bury her head in my shoulder, purring loudly. She's also been clinging to me like a koala bear when I hold her.
    I guess I'm wondering what else we can do to help all of our kitties, and especially our sensitive Coonies recover from what has been a very stressful time for everyone. Ideas?

  2. #2
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    Over here we have a herbal capsule called Zylkene that can help with stress but quite honestly by the time anything has kicked in to be effective it sounds as if your work will be done anyway so as hard as it seems I think you would be better to try & ride this out & get the cats back into a settled routine once it is over..... I didn't get on with Feliway but if you have it then as soon as the rooms you normally use are finished so doors can be closed to get it built up in that area then get it plugged in & use that along with a calmer environment to get things back to normal as quick as possible. The awful thing is we help to make matters worse by trying to over compensate for the situation which in itself makes the animals react stronger because they think there is a reason..... The classic is the dog with fireworks, if it reacts to the noise what is the first thing you do,go hug it tell it is all ok & what are you doing,backing up that instinct to not like it,same with our furries,says she sitting here pretending that kitten isn't trying his hardest to get round Ruby,all I want to do is get down & try & get her to accept him but know it will sort itself better by leaving them alone,at least she will sit fairly close to him now,will have the odd chase & has even slipped up & played feathers a couple of times so it will come right & I am sure your situation will too,accept the extra purrs as a sign of affection,turn her extra clinging hugs into a game & chill......... hugs & prrurps from over here & hopefully you will all soon be happy......xxxx

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    Mandy cuddled with DH this morning and has been seeking his attention frequently. I thought this was interesting because she is generally fearful of all men, and finally she knows that Daddy is safe. She runs like the wind from the construction crew though LOL! Rose and Sampson have started a "buddy system" and stay near each other at all times now, and they've also been wrestling and playing together. It seems to be a "Coonies vs Tabbies" thing around here lately.
    I was making snacks for the Super Bowl today and the Coonies circled me like vultures while I prepared the buffalo chicken dip! I gave them some pieces of canned chicken along with some new treats. Hopefully tomorrow will be the last day they have to spend cooped up together, I know I'm looking forward to life returning to normal around here. All this noise and mess is making me crazy!!




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