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  • 1 Post By MandyCoonie

Thread: Competition with two MC's?

  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    Competition with two MC's?

    Mandy and Merlin seem to be growing ever more competitive for our attention. Merlin is the new guy here, only been here since late November, and he is really getting more cozy and attached to us. The other night Merlin fell asleep next to me and Mandy paced back and forth, whining and chirping. Then they try to push each other out of the way when I'm petting them. To be fair, I've been lavishing Merlin with attention because he needs that reassurance and confidence in us, and he still becomes upset when told no or not right now, if you ignore his requests for cuddles he will vomit on purpose. This is happening less as less but only because I'm spoiling him. Two very high needs Coonies, Mama needs a break!!!
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