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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
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    Identify the Kitten

    Just curious to know if anyone has any input about the possible breed of this kitten. She was discovered in a bush a little over a month ago, and we suspect she is about 9 weeks now. She is already displaying several distinctive Maine Coon features--ear tufts, relatively large paws, long whiskers, mega fluffy coat--but her muzzle and chin seem a bit narrow. A friend commented that her eyes look small, and I myself have noticed that her chin and muzzle seem pretty slender too. Having never raised a young kitten before, I'm not sure whether to chalk those findings up to her gender or age, or even if she's developing slowly. Perhaps she is part Norwegian Forest rather than Maine Coon, but I'll let you all be the judge of that.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Identify the Kitten-pipsqueak-1.jpg   Identify the Kitten-pipsqueak-2.jpg   Identify the Kitten-pipsqueak-3.jpg   Identify the Kitten-pipsqueak-4.jpg  

  2. #2
    Active Cat
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts
    She's beautiful, whatever she is! The ear tufts look very coon-like to me.
    This site might have some helpful info: Identifying Mixes



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