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  1. #21
    Happy Kitten
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    Aug 2010
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    It's really hard to comment on this woman's actions without my blood pressure rising, so I'll simply state that I think it is good that she's living in fear for her life. She deserves it.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Sheffield, UK
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neural View Post
    It's really hard to comment on this woman's actions without my blood pressure rising, so I'll simply state that I think it is good that she's living in fear for her life. She deserves it.
    Very concisely put, Neural, I couldn't agree more.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Howlinbob View Post
    This story has got me and my OH spitting mad. The excuses she has come out with. Her father's critically ill. (So??) She's having a nervous breakdown (???) It's only a cat. It was a moment of madness. She's a cat lover really!!!!! The fact is, it was a cold and calculated act. She talked to the cat, then picked it up by the scruff of its neck and put it in the bin. She had no idea she would be caught on camera and thought she could get away with it. Now she's squirming.

    I wonder if she has done this before, as most homes don't have their own security cameras.
    Apparently she works at a bank! She's in her 40's and she's got a decent job. It's unbelievable.

    Worse still are some of the comments on the Guardian newspaper website. There are people on there who are supposed to be intelligent, sophisticated, cultured people!!!!! who are saying 'what an overreaction, it's only a cat, it was a joke'. I'm all for risque humour and I hate political correctness, I think humour can be applied to most situations, but NOT THIS ONE. How many comedians do you know who do a great 'animal cruelty' routine? Not one, because, NO-ONE WOULD LAUGH AT IT.

    Now because of the outcry this woman is having police protection. I don't think we should be spending taxpayers money on this. I wouldn't condone a death threat (that is OTT) but she should be facing her shame as best she can.

    There seems to be a section of society which still thinks it's OK to be cruel to cats. This is a throwback to the Middle Ages. There was an advert recently for a bookmakers which showed a cat being used as a football and getting booted into a tree (not really, just trick photography of course). But it was intended to be funny - the whole tone of it was funny. There were loads of complaints and a Radio 2 phone-in about it. It just shows that there are still some people who think that tormenting a cat is acceptable. BUT IT ISN'T.

    Oh dear, sorry for the capital letters, I'm hopping mad.

    Police protection.... Un believable!!!! totally!!

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Louie-Louie View Post
    I like this though

    YouTube - Revenge of the Cat


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