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Thread: changing food

  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    Dorset UK
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    changing food

    I am in the process of changing the girls onto adult food, however their poo has now gone runny. How long would you give before you decide the new food is not for them and try another brand? This has been over a two week period, I have mixed the new Sanabelle grand with their Royal Canin kitten food to wean them onto it. I'm getting a bit fed up with smelly runny poos now .

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quite honestly with cats I have never given them a long change over period anyway & I always found that RC kitten gave them the poops so didn't use that for very long once the babe landed went over to adult.... I have been switching to a lot of the Sanabelle & one of mine did get a tummy upset with the "Grand" so bearing in mind mine are mostly wet food fed with just a small amount of bikie it makes me wonder if that is the richer of their bikkies,I also now have the dental from there more because of slightly larger kibble then being "dental" & have found that suits the upset tum one fine so he has the odd grand but not a lot. Might be worth stopping all food for 24hrs to let tum sort itself out a bit kick them off on something light then gradually start introducing just the grand again,if it is still causing the diarrhoea then it looks like a change to something else could be required...x

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