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Thread: 7 year old needs a Male owner

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    7 year old needs a Male owner

    Hi, I have a 7 year old ex-breeding queen MC that my ex-husband brought home 5 years ago. She is utterly beautiful, very classic MC 'type' (her mother was a Grand Champion), a silver tabby and white. Beautiful temperament, very placid and easy going as a rule. Unfortunately, my ex-husband decided he didn't want to keep her when we split up 3 years ago so she has been living with me. I absolutely adore this cat, but she is really not happy. She goes nuts over any male visitors I have (including the plumber, the gas man etc etc) and then pines when they leave. She has also started stress-weeing. I have taken all the advice her breeders can give, the vets can give and the behaviourist can give, but the upshot of it all is that she is a mans cat. Her stress-weeing and pining totally disappeared when she went to stay with my brother for a fortnight and she as back to her old, happy self.

    I have not taken the decision to rehome her lightly and I would really appreciate it if people didn't shout at me about this (as has happened on other cat rehoming forums), if I could work out what to do to make her happy again I would, but the only thing that makes her happy is having a male owner. My ex-husband used to work from home so she had his attention prerrty much 24/7 and my guess is she'd really like that level of attention again. She also doesn't like other cats so ideally would be an only cat. She has never been allowed out and about as she is a little on the dumb side and her road sense is probably completely AWOL.

    I can't stress highly enough that she is a gorgeous cat - stunning to look at and with a fabulous personality (when she's happy). She loves playing fetch, and is generally happiest having a man to follow around and help. I would like to find her a home with a male owner, maybe an older gentleman or someone who works from home, someone that can give her the love and attention she deserves. If anyone can help, I am in Plymouth.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 7 year old needs a Male owner-dsc00370.jpg  

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    What a lovely girl she is and how sad for you that you have to part with her - it would break my heart to have to part with one of my furries. I hope that a member of the forum can help you and I'm sure you've come to the right place.

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I have been in tears about it. I have 3 MC's in total and I don't even think the other two noticed the divorce lol, but Queenie always has been a mans cat. The plan was that I would keep her until the ex-husband could take her back, but he decided to get a kitten instead (grrr!). She is such a gorgeous girl and it kills me that she's so unhappy, I've done everything I can over the last two years but if I can't give her what she needs she deserves to have a home where she'll be happy. Thank you for not flaming me, other forums have called me every name under the sun for making this decision.

  4. #4
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    I feel so sad for you & her,she is stunning,is there no chance of your brother keeping her as she seemed to have bonded with him....?
    Your ex obviously didn't deserve her love & I feel sorry for the kitten he has now as obviously the animals feelings mean nothing to him.
    Have you tried the notice board in your local vets ...?
    I admire you for putting her feelings first & am sure there is going to be the right person & home for her,will keep watching the thread & hope soon for a very happy outcome for you both...x

  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    No, my brother doesn't want her - he's happy to catsit when required but doesn't want any himself. Got a notice up at the vets, have circulated her details the to the Maine Coon Breed Society and the Maine Coon Cat Club, and have a couple of other forums where her details have been posted. I have had some interest, but only from multi-cat households or from people who stop talking to me when they find out she's been 'done' and therefore won't be having any more kittens. I keep going and cuddling her at the moment, I know rehoming is the right thing for her, but oh lord its a tough thing to do!

  6. #6
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    Sometimes rehoming is the best option. You've tried everything else and she's not happy, in which case, you have to love them enough to let them go. I am a little shocked that you've had such a bad reaction on other forums, especially as you clearly have done your best in difficult circumstances. People can be very insensitive.

    The right home will come along eventually. Hang in there! She's absolutely beautiful x

  7. #7
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Mouse3 - This is one amazing looking Mainecoon!! I am currently looking for my first Mainecoon as I have become addicted since seeing a client who had one in her home. I'm viewing a local Mainecoon this evening and wish I was closer to Plymouth so I could view yours too as I seem to fit the bill for the cat, I'm a single male and work mostly from home as a freelancer but live in Yorkshire!

    I still can't understand why the cat has not had any offers of a new home yet?? Keep me posted as to what happens.
    BasilHayden likes this.

  8. #8
    Über Cat
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    so sorry that you are having to lose your fur baby and she is so gorgeous , but you are doing it for her and with her interests at heart so take heart from that

  9. #9
    The Quiet Kitten
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    This is really urgent now, if anyone can help please get in contact with me




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