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Thread: Does Neo have any bones :-)

  1. #11
    Happy Kitten
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    Jan 2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alekto View Post
    Miss Pirate is also all ruberry, especially when I pick her up - I have to take her under the "arms" and as I lift the rest goes limp - and when she snoozes she snoozes, it's very hard to wake her - the other day she fell off the chair she was sleeping on and didn't even wake up till I went to make sure she was alright! (which she was, thankfully, she just blinked at me, looked around her with a dazed "what am I doing here I could have sworn I was on a chair a minute ago" look, picked herself up and went for a snack...)
    Miss Pirate sounds yummy! I'd have a house full of cats if I could (and I could afford the mountains of food they seem to move!)
    Alekto likes this.


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